Activity Reports 2017
Lecturer Yotanda gave an invited lecture at the General Conference of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Lecturer Shitanda will give an invited talk at the 2018 General Conference of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.
Lecture date and time: March 22 (Thursday) afternoon
Lecture field: "CT-2 New developments in next-generation storage and power generation devices that support the electronic information society of the near future"
Lecture number: CT-2-4
Lecture title:
"Development and evaluation of thin-film wearable bio-fuel cells using printing technology"
Speaker column: Isao Shitanda (Tokyo University of Science)
Lecturer Shitanda gave a presentation at the kick-off meeting of the Space Colony Research Center
Lecturer Shitanda will give a presentation at the kick-off meeting of the Space Colony Research Center.
Date: March 13, 2018 (Tuesday) 13:00-16:40 (Reception 12:30) (Exchange meeting: 17:00-)
Place: Akihabara UDX 4th Floor UDX Theater
(4F, 4-14-1 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, 2 minutes walk from Akihabara Station)
Access map: Access map (move to another site)
Participation fee/exchange fee: Free
13:00-13:05 Opening remarks
Tokyo University of Science President Akira Fujishima
13:05-13:15 Guest speech
Yoji Maruyama Director, Private School Aid Division, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
13:15-13:25 Introduction to Research Institute for Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science
Director/Vice President Makoto Asashima
13:25-13:55 Introduction of Space Colony Research Center
Chiaki Mukai, Center Director/Specially Appointed Vice President
13:55-14:10 Break
14:10-14:25 Research introduction of Team 1 (Space Design)
Deputy Director, Team Leader, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Department of Electronics and Information Engineering Professor Shinichi Kimura
14:25-14:35 Research introduction of Team 1 (Space QOL)
Deputy Team Leader - Isao Shitanda, Lecturer, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering
14:35-15:00 Research introduction of Team 2 (Space Agriculture)
Deputy Director, Team Leader,
Chiaki Terashima, Associate Professor, Center for Photocatalysis Research, Research Institute
15:00-15:25 Research introduction of Team 3 (energy creation/storage)
Team Leader/Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, School of Engineering Science Tsutomu Iida
15:25-15:50 Research introduction of Team 4 (water and air regeneration)
Team Leader/Associate Professor, Department of Applied Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Kazuya Nakata
15:50-16:00 Break
16:00-16:35 Keynote speech
"Current Status and Prospects of JAXA's Manned Space Technology Development, and Tokyo University of Science
What to expect from the Space Colony Research Center
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Tsukuba Space Center
Koichi Wakata Director, Manned Space Technology Center, Manned Space Technology Division
16:35-16:40 Closing remarks
Tokyo University of Science Vice President Yasutaka Moriguchi
17:00- Exchange meeting (Place: Akihabara UDX 2F PRONTO
Lecturer Shitanda and Lecturer Hoshi gave a lecture at the 137th Lecture Contest of The Surface Finishing Society of Japan.
March 13, 2018 Lecturer Shitanda and Lecturer Hoshi will give a lecture at the 137th Lecture Meeting of The Surface Finishing Society of Japan.
13A-07 Design and Evaluation of Enzyme Modified Porous Carbon Surface for Printed Wearable Biofuel Cell
○ Isao Shitanda 1,2,3, Tatsuya Takarada 1, Takahisa Kato 1, Yoshinao Hoshi 1, Masayuki Itagaki 1,2, Seiya Tsujimura 2,4
13A-27 Evaluation of copper dissolution behavior under anodic polarization by in-situ imaging CFDE
○ Yoshinao Hoshi 1,2, Tomohiko Oda 2, Isao Shitanda 1,2,3, Masayuki Itagaki 1,2,3
Lecture at the 85th Annual Meeting of The Electrochemical Society
March 9-11, 2018 I will give a talk at the 85th Annual Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan. Professor Itagaki and Lecturer Hoshi will give invited talks.
[2B03] Analysis of electrode structure and electrochemical reaction mechanism by electrochemical impedance method
〇Masayuki Itagaki1 (1. Tokyo University of Science)
Friday, March 9, 2018 13:00 - 13:45
[1R07] Analysis of Corrosion Degradation Mechanism of Reinforced Concrete Using Electrochemical Impedance Method -Aiming to Establish Advanced Corrosion Prevention Technology-
〇Yoshinao Hoshi1, Isao Shitanda2,1, Masayuki Itagaki2,1 (1. Tokyo University of Science, 2. Tokyo University of Science Research Institute)
Friday, March 9, 2018 11:15 - 11:30
[1R04] Measurement of electrochemical impedance and analysis of inductive behavior of Mg and Mg alloys using in-situ imaging CFDE
〇Kei Miyazawa1, Yoshinao Hoshi1, Isao Shitanda2,1, Masayuki Itagaki2,1
Friday, March 9, 2018 11:30-11:45
[1R05] Evaluation of anodic dissolution behavior of copper in electrolyte containing BTA by in-situ imaging CFDE
〇Tomohiko Oda1, Yoshinao Hoshi1, Isao Shitanda2,1, Masayuki Itagaki2,1
Friday, March 9, 2018 16:45 - 17:00
[1B22] Fabrication and evaluation of printed thin-film reference electrodes with excellent long-term stability and immediate usability using silica gel ink
〇Masato Komoda1, Yoshinao Hoshi1, Isao Shitanda2,1, Masayuki Itagaki2,1
Friday, March 9, 2018 10:15 - 10:30
[1K06] Characterization of wearable sodium ion sensor formed on textile substrate by transfer printing using simulated sweat and human sweat
〇 Kazunori Watanabe1, Yoshinao Hoshi1, Isao Shitanda2,1, Masayuki Itagaki2,1
Friday, March 9, 2018 18:00-20:00
[PS-34] Fabrication of disk-shaped bio-fuel cell for use in diapers and evaluation of various parameters
〇Yuki Fujimura1, Yoshinao Hoshi1, Isao Shitanda2,1, Masayuki Itagaki2,1, Seiya Tsujimura2,3 Department of Materials Engineering, University of Tsukuba)
Friday, March 9, 2018 18:00-20:00
[PS-37] Modified immobilization of glucose dehydrogenase and quinone analogues on MgO template carbons introduced with epoxy groups by graft polymerization
〇 Takahisa Kato1, Tatsuo Aikawa1, Yoshinao Hoshi1, Isao Shitanda2,1, Masayuki Itagaki2,1
Sunday, March 11, 2018 13:00 - 13:15
[3K09] Fabrication and electrochemical evaluation of MgO-templated carbon electrodes modified with azurophilic and glucose dehydrogenase
〇Tatsuya Takarada1, Ryo Suzuki1, Tatsuo Aikawa1, Yoshinao Hoshi1, Isao Shitanda2,1, Masayuki Itagaki2,1
Friday, March 9, 2018 18:00-20:00
[PS-33] Fabrication and evaluation of wearable ammonium ion sensor using transfer printing
〇 Nanami Takahashi1, Kazunori Watanabe1, Yoshinao Hoshi1, Isao Shitanda2,1, Masayuki Itagaki2,1
Friday, March 9, 2018 10:45 - 11:00
[1K08] Fabrication and evaluation of lactic acid biofuel cells using carbon cloth coated with MgO-templated carbon
〇Kotaro Takamatsu1, Ayumu Niiyama3, Yoshinao Hoshi1, Isao Shitanda2,1, Seiya Tsujimura2,3, Tsutomu Mikawa4, Masayuki Itagaki2,1 (1. Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, 2. Tokyo Faculty of Science, University of Science, 3. Department of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba, 4. RIKEN)
Friday, March 9, 2018 10:45 - 11:00
[1K08] Fabrication and evaluation of lactic acid biofuel cells using carbon cloth coated with MgO-templated carbon
〇Kotaro Takamatsu1, Ayumu Niiyama3, Yoshinao Hoshi1, Isao Shitanda2,1, Seiya Tsujimura2,3, Tsutomu Mikawa4, Masayuki Itagaki2,1 (1. Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, 2. Tokyo Faculty of Science, University of Science, 3. Department of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba, 4. RIKEN)
Friday, March 9, 2018 10:00 - 10:15
[1P01] Development of flow-type sucrose sensor combining photocatalytic reaction and enzymatic reaction
〇 Kentsubasa Katagishi 2,1, Chiaki Terashima 2, Takamune Suzuki 2, Isao Shitanda 2,1, Kazuya Nakata 2,1, Kenichi Katsumata 2, Yoshinao Hoshi 1, Masayuki Itagaki 1, Akira Fujishima 2 (1. Tokyo University of Science, 2. Photocatalyst International Research Center, Institute of Science, Tokyo University of Science)
Friday, March 9, 2018 10:30-10:45
[1K07] Investigation and electrochemical evaluation of arraying method for improving output of lactic acid biofuel cell with printed paper substrate
〇 Yukiya Morigayama1, Himeka Goto1, Yoshinao Hoshi1, Isao Shitanda2,1, Masayuki Itagaki2,1, Tsutomu Mikawa3, Seiya Tsujimura4,2, Hiroyuki Matsui5, Shizuto Tokito6 (1. Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, 2. Faculty of Science, Tokyo University of Science, 3. RIKEN, 4. Department of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba, 5. Graduate School of Organic Materials Science, Yamagata University, 6. Organic Chemistry, Yamagata University Electronics Research Center)
Lecturer Shitanda will give an invited talk at the 13th Chiba Analytical Chemistry Exchange Meeting of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.
December 22 Lecturer Shitanda will give a lecture at the 13th Chiba Analytical Chemistry Exchange Meeting of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (at the Noda Campus of our university).
Date and time December 22, 2017 (Friday) 13: 00-19: 20
Place Tokyo Science University Noda Campus Lecture Building 5th Floor K508 Classroom [2641, Yamazaki, Noda City, Chiba Prefecture, Transportation: Tobu Urban Park Line (former Noda Line) Get off at "Unga Station" and walk 10 minutes]
Click here for transportation access http://www.tus.ac.jp/info/access/nodcamp.html Click here for campus map http://www.tus.ac.jp/info/campus/noda.html
Reception starts at 12:30
Caretaker Tatsuya Higashi (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science)
Part 1 Academic Lecture (13: 00-17: 00)
1. 1. Greetings from the Chairman (Tokyo University of Science) Hiroshi Nakamura
2. Lecture by the Director of the Kanto Branch of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
"Analysis of pharmaceutical ingredients and substances in the body" (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Teikyo University) Kazuya Nakagome
3. 3. Requested lecture
"Development of analytical methods for environment-friendly steel manufacturing process" (Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal) Michihiro Aimoto
"About the properties of carbon nanodots and their potential as luminescent proloves" (Toho University Faculty of Science) Kotaro Morita
"Development and response of electrochemical sensing devices using printable electrochemistry" For "(Faculty of Science and Engineering, Tokyo University of Science) Isao Shitanda
December 7th and 8th, 2017 Professor Itagaki will hold "2nd Asian Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (AEIS2017), Morito Memorial Hall" as the executive committee chairman.
December 7th and 8th, 2017 Professor Itagaki will hold "2nd Asian Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (AEIS2017), Morito Memorial Hall" as the executive committee chairman.
URL: http://www.aecd.tus.ac.jp/aeis2017/
Lecturer Shitanda will give an invited talk at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Society of Life Sciences (ConBio 2017) on Wednesday, December 6th.
URL: http://www.aeplan.co.jp/conbio2017
Session number: "1PW18"
Biofuel cells that generate electricity by imitating the energy metabolism of life-Toward the industrial application of life science-
Date: December 6, 2017 (Wednesday) 16: 00-18: 30
Venue: 18th Venue (Kobe International Convention Center 5F 502 Conference Room)
Number of seats: Approximately 190 seats
Lecturer Shitanda will give an invited talk at PowerMEMS School 2017 on November 13th.
PowerMEMS School is a specialized conference on microenergy (PowerMEMS2017 international conference), and about 10 lecturers from Japan and overseas will provide topics focusing on research application of microenergy and efforts in industry.
Tentative Agenda:
November 13
10: 10-10: 50
Overview of Trillion IoT / M2M Taizo Kinoshita (Next Generation M2M Consortium)
10: 50-11: 30 Wireless Sensing for Agriculture Applications Yoshihiro Kawahara (The Univ. Of Tokyo)
11: 30-12: 10 National Projects on Thermoelectric in Japan Atsushi Yamamoto (AIST)
12: 10-13: 00 lunch
13: 00-13: 40 Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting System Hirokuni Hachiuma (KELK)
13: 40-14: 20 Aviation Application of Thermal Energy Harvesting Jean-Marie Dilhac (LAAS-CNRS, Université de Toulouse)
14: 20-15: 00 Biofuel Cell and Self-powered Biosensing System Isao Shitanda (Tokyo Univ. Of Science)
15: 00-15: 20 coffee break
15: 20-16: 00 Self-powered Smart Sensing SystemHaixia Zhang (Peking University)
16: 00-16: 40 Piezo MEMS and Piezoelectric Energy HarvestingIsaku Kanno (Kobe University)
16: 40-17: 20 Piezoelectret for Energy HarvestingXiaoqing Zhang (Tongji University)
17: 20-18: 00 TBA
Lecturer Shitanda gave a lecture at the 225th meeting of the Organic Electronics Materials Research Group
Lecturer Shitanda will give a lecture at the 225th Research Meeting of Organic Electronic Materials Research Group on October 26th.
paper electronics technology
15:50-16:40 "Development of electrochemical devices by screen printing using paper as a substrate"
《Date and Time》 Thursday, October 26, 2017 13:00-17:00
《Venue》 Shinjuku NS Building (NS Conference Room) North Block 3L
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ (Location: 2-4-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo TEL: 03-3342-4920)
October 1-6, 2017 At 232nd ECS Meeting, National Harbor, MD, Professor Itagaki will hold a "C05 Corrosion in Concrete Structures" symposium at Head-organizer.
October 1-6, 2017 At the 232nd ECS Meeting, National Harbor, MD, Prof. Itagaki
“C05 Corrosion in Concrete Structures” symposium held at Head-organizer
will be
From our laboratory, Prof. Itagaki, Lecturer Hoshi, Mr. Okamoto, Mr. Narui, Mr. Miyazawa, Mr. Ueyama, Mr. Haruto Sato, Mr. Tsukioka, and Mr. Fujii will present their results.
Presentation of results at the 2017 Electrochemical Society Autumn Meeting
September 10-11, 2017 Lecturer Shitanda, Lecturer Hoshi, Mr. Morigayama, Mr. Kamano, Mr. Kato, Mr. Takarada, and Mr. Watanabe gave presentations at the 2017 Electrochemical Society Autumn Meeting.
URL: http://www.electrochem.jp/program/2017fall/2017fall.html
Presented results at the 68th Annual Meeting of ISE, Providence, USA
At the 68th Annual Meeting of ISE, Providence, USA from August 27th to September 1st, 2017, Lecturer Shitanda, Mr. Terai, and Mr. Morigayama gave presentations.