What's New
Associate Pdofessor.Shitanda received the "Kiyoyama Prize" at the Chemical Sensor Research Group of the Electrochemical Society of Japan.
Title:Development of electrochemical measurement devices using printing technology
Award date:January 29, 2025
University of Science HP
Prof.Itagaki and Associate Pdofessor.Shitanda received THE "2024 ANNUALLY MOST DOWNLOADED PAPERD" award at THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN.
Title:Electrochemical Impedance and Complex Capacitance to Interpret Electrochemical Capacitor
Award date:January 14, 2025
University of Science HP
An academic paper by Associate Professor Shitanda and Visiting Associate Professor Ogura was selected as the Supplemental Cover of "Langmuir" published by the American Chemical Society.
Title:Electrochemical Small-Angle X-ray Scattering for Potential-Dependent Structural Analysis of Redox Enzymes
Award date: January 14, 2025
University of Science HP
M2 student Okuzumi won the Poster Prize in The 4th Asian Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy(AEIS2024).
Title:Evaluation of Battery Performance of Aqueous LIB with SCES by in-situ EIS
Award date: November 2, 2024
University of Science HP
M2 student Sawahara received the "Young Oral Lecture Award" at the 75th Symposium on Colloid and Surface Chemistry.
Title:Electrode evaluation of enzyme-type biofuel cells by small-angle X-ray scattering
Award date: October 2, 2024
University of Science HP
Prof. Itagaki received ECS Fellow award from The Electrochemical Society.
Title:Outstanding achievements in the field of electrochemistry and significant contributions to the development of the American Electrochemical Society
Award date: October 7, 2024
University of Science HP
A lecture by Mr. Jibiki (M2) was selected as "Prospects and Topics" at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Japan Analytical Chemistry.
Title:Fabrication and evaluation of printed ethanol gas biosensors using gel electrolytes
Award date: September 12, 2024
University of Science HP
An academic paper by Prof. Itagaki and Assoc. Prof. Shitanda et al. was selected as one of the most cited papers in the journal "Electrochemistry" published by the Electrochemical Society of Japan.
Title:Electrochemical Impedance and Complex Capacitance to Interpret Electrochemical Capacitor
Award date: July 16, 2024
University of Science HP
An academic paper by Prof. Itagaki and Prof. Shitanda has been selected as one of the most downloaded papers in the journal "Electrochemistry" published by the Electrochemical Society of Japan.
Title:Electrochemical Impedance and Complex Capacitance to Interpret Electrochemical Capacitor
Award date: July 12, 2024
University of Science HP
Prof. Itagaki, Associate Prof. Shitanda, Associate Prof. Watanabe and others received the Best Paper Award of the Japan Society of Corrosion and Corrosion Protection.
Title: Evaluation of rebar corrosion environment in concrete using admittance analysis by electrochemical impedance method
Award date: June 4, 2024
University of Science HP
M2 student Takahashi and M1 student Kashiwa received the Young Lecturer Encouragement Award for Materials and Environment 2024.
Winner: Shuntaro Takahashi
Award Title: Corrosion Evaluation Method for Bipolar Plates for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells
Award date: June 4, 2024
Winner: Takumitsu Kashiwa
Title: Examination of corrosion morphology and corrosion mechanism of copper tubes with different phosphorus content
Award date: June 4, 2024
University of Science HP
<Updated: Media publication (MEDIA)> In an article about the Water Frontier Research Center (WaTUS) published in the Japan Keizai Shimbun "Knowledge Challenge", the application to wearable devices that Associate Professor Shitanda is working on was taken up as a representative example of joint research.
University of Science website
A collaborative paper with Katayama Laboratory has been published in Electrochimica Acta.
B4 student Hiraoka won the Academic Encouragement Lecture Award at the 149th Lecture Conference (Kogakuin University).
Award title: Multimodal analysis of aluminum alloy matrix/intermetallic compound boundary corrosion Award date: March 6, 2024
University of Science website
List of Academic Lecture Award Winners at the 149th Lecture Conference
30th Academic Encouragement Lecture Award | 149th Lecture Conference | Surface Finishing Association (
<Updated: Media publication (MEDIA)> The Merck M-hub article that Associate Professor Shitanda assisted in reporting has been published.
“<Frontline of Research> Isao Shitanda - Aiming to develop wearable devices that do not require batteries using biofuel cells that generate electricity from sweat”
M-hub dated February 15, 2024
M1 student Samori received the Encouragement Award at the 33rd Japan MRS Annual Conference.
University of Science HP
33rd Japan MRS Annual Conference Encouragement Award Winners List
An academic paper by Professor Masayuki Itagaki, Associate Professor Isao Shitanda, and others has been selected as one of the most downloaded papers of the year by the Electrochemistry magazine published by the Electrochemical Society of Japan.
Paper title: Electrochemical Impedance and Complex Capacitance to Interpret Electrochemical Capacitor
Award date: January 16, 2024
Award winners: Masayuki Itagaki, Isao Shitanda
Collaborative research between our laboratory and Katayama laboratory received YPC Encouragement Award
Mr. Yamanaka from Katayama Laboratory, Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, who is conducting joint research, received the YPC Encouragement Award at the 2020 Power and Energy Division Competition.
Award date: September 22, 2023
For more information, please see the Tokyo University of Science website.
We will invite Professor Shuhua Peng from the University of New South Wales to give a lecture.
Research Group for Advanced Energy Conversion, Special Lectures
Engineering Microcracks for Wearable Sensors
Dr Shuhua Peng
Date and time: Thursday, November 9, 2023 14:00-15:00
Location: Tokyo University of Science, Noda Campus, Building 10, 1st floor hall
Assistant Professor Hikari Watanabe of our laboratory received the Encouragement Award at the 2023 Solution Chemistry Research Group.
Award date: October 19, 2023
Award title: Research on structure and dynamics in ionic liquids - from bulk solution to electrode interface -
It was introduced on the University of Science website.
Visiting professor Hideki Katayama of the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) appeared on E-TV's episode of ``Villain's Story'' and ``Rust.''
Broadcast date: October 14, 2023
Program HP:
Mr. Hideki Katayama:
Associate Professor Shitanda will appear on J-WAVE “INNOVATION WORLD”
<Performance date and time>
10/6 (Friday) J-WAVE “INNOVATION WORLD” 20:00-22:00
In-program corner “DREAM PITCH” (around 20:40)
【press release】
"Development of a biosensor that can stably monitor sweat lactic acid concentration over long periods of time"
The research results of Associate Professor Shitanda et al. were released in a press release.
We incorporated the mechanism into a biosensor that can stably monitor the concentration of lactic acid contained in human sweat for a long period of time, and succeeded in suppressing the influence on measurement errors.
Release date: July 18, 2023
"Development of a biosensor that can stably monitor lactic acid concentration in sweat for a long period of time ~ Capturing air bubbles that have entered the sensor and suppressing the effect on measurement ~"
Please see the Tokyo University of Science press release for details.
<Added on September 4th>
Introduced in Science Japan
Science Japan is a portal site that disseminates Japanese science and technology information in English to English-speaking countries (particularly in the Asia-Pacific region).
Associate Professor Shitanda will appear on J-WAVE "J-WAVE TOKYO MORNING RADIO".
<Scheduled date and time of appearance>
8/30 (Wednesday) J-WAVE “J-WAVE TOKYO MORNING RADIO” AM6:00-9:00
Program corner “MORNING INSIGHT” (around 8:35)
I would like to talk about power generation using sweat.
Academic paper by Associate Professor Isao Shitanda and others selected as Supplementary Cover of ACS Applied Electronic Materials
An academic paper by Associate Professor Isao Shitanda of the Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, has been selected as the Supplementary Cover of ACS Applied Electronic Materials.
For details, please see the University of Science website.
【press release】
"Developed a method that can measure impedance while applying shear stress to carbon slurry"
The research results of Associate Professor Shitanda et al. were released in a press release.
We developed a new method that can measure viscosity and electrochemical impedance while applying shear stress to a carbon dispersion (slurry) used in battery materials, etc., using a rheometer, and succeeded in evaluating its properties in detail.
Release date August 24, 2023
``Development of a method that can measure impedance while applying shear stress to a carbon slurry-Evaluation of the dispersibility of concentrated slurry is possible, and is expected to contribute to improving battery performance-''
Please see the Tokyo University of Science press release for details.
<Added on August 28>
It was also introduced in the Yomiuri Shimbun Online.
Academic paper by Associate Professor Isao Shitanda and others selected as ACS Sensors top 10 most read
Academic papers by Associate Professor Isao Shitanda and others were selected as two of the 10 most read articles in July 2023 in the international academic journal "ACS Sensors."
Please see the University of Science website for details.
The research results of Associate Professor Shitanda and others were published in the electronic version of "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" (July 18, 2023)
It was also introduced on the university's website.
July 12,2023
THE SEN-I-NEWS publishes research results of Associate Professor Isao Shitanda and others
July 07,2023
Academic paper by Associate Professor Isao Shitanda selected as ACS Sensors top 10 most read / Selected as Supplemental Cover of ACS Sensors magazine
An academic paper by Associate Professor Isao Shitanda et al. was selected as one of the 10 most read articles in June 2023 in the international academic journal "ACS Sensors" published by the American Chemical Society.
Also, I was selected as a Supplemental Cover of ACS Sensors magazine.
Both were introduced on the website of the University of Science.
July 06,2023
【press release】
"Development of a wearable device that can measure ion concentration in sweat in real time"
The research results of Associate Professor Shitanda et al. were press released.
This is a study on a small ion sensor that can measure the ion concentration in human sweat. We have demonstrated that it can be used as a wearable device.
Release date July 6, 2023
"Development of a wearable device that can measure ion concentration in sweat in real time
~Useful for early detection of dehydration and heat stroke~
For details, please see the university press release.
June 22, 2023 <Updated> MEDIA: Publication in the media
In NHK Saturday's "Villain's Story" special feature broadcast on June 17th (Saturday)
The ``Sweat'' episode, which Associate Professor Shitanda assisted in reporting, was also introduced.
Program HP:
June 5, 2023 <Updated> MEDIA: Publication in the media
NHK E-TV's ``Villain's Story'', which Associate Professor Shitanda assisted in reporting, will be aired on June 10th.
We will introduce the research on power generation using sweat that is being carried out in the laboratory. Please take a look.
"Villain's Sayings"
Theme "sweat"
Scheduled broadcast date and time: June 10, 2023 (Sat) 10:30-11:00 AM
Program HP:
May 31, 2023
<Update: Posting in the media (MEDIA)>
We were interviewed by TV Tokyo WBS [Toretama] about biofuel cells that are being researched at Itagaki-Shitanda Laboratory.
TV Tokyo WBS (World Business Satellite)
[Toretama] Fuel cell that generates electricity with sweat
Broadcast date: Wednesday, May 31, 2023
May 16, 2023
Prof. Itagaki received the 41st Suga Weathering Foundation Prize for Science and Technology.
Concerning deterioration phenomena such as corrosion and discoloration of industrial materials in natural environments (weathering), we have made remarkable achievements (weathering technology) such as life evaluation by accelerated tests, elucidation of deterioration mechanism, improvement of deterioration resistance by surface treatment, etc. for meritorious service
This award is given by the Suga Weathering Technology Promotion Foundation.
The award was introduced on the University of Science website and the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.
41st Suga Weathering Foundation Award for Science and Technology
Masayuki Itagaki, Professor, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering
<Award Title>
Development and application of monitoring method for corrosion environment of reinforcing bars in concrete
<Award Date>
April 26, 2023
Please refer to the following for the details of the award.
Tokyo University of Science introduction page
Suga Weathering Technology Promotion Foundation
May 15, 2023
Associate Professor Shitanda is calling for articles for a special issue of Electroanalysis of Guest Editor.
Submission deadline: Sunday, December 31, 2023
Electroanalysis page
April 1, 2023
From 2023, the name of the Faculty of Science and Engineering will be changed to the "School of Science and Engineering".
The name of the department remains unchanged from the Department of Advanced Chemistry.
2023March 27,
[University faculty members appear on VTR in BS11's 15th anniversary special program "Let's talk about the universe!"]
Professor Shinichi Kimura (Department of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering) and Associate Professor Isao Shitanda (Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering) appeared on VTR from 19:00 on 3/26 (Sun) on the BS11 15th anniversary special program "Let's talk about the universe!".
▼ BS11 15th anniversary special program “Let’s talk about the universe!”▼
▼ Prof. Shinichi Kimura ▼
▼ Associate Professor Isao Shitanda ▼
2023March 17,
April 6th (Thursday) A lecture meeting of the Advanced Energy Conversion Research Division will be held at Tokyo University of Science, Noda Campus.
Mr. Mitsuhiro Takeno of Panasonic Energy Co., Ltd. will give a lecture on lithium-ion batteries.
Advanced Energy Conversion Research Division Lecture "Research on Lithium Ion Battery Electrode Slurry"
Date: Thursday, April 6, 2023, 14:00-15:00
Venue: Tokyo University of Science, Noda Campus, Building No. 10, 1st Floor Hall
2023February 6th
Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science HPSokyo JournalAn interview with Associate Professor Shitanda and the state of the laboratory were published in the article.
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Tokyo University of Science Sokyo Journal
2023January 18,
A paper by Prof. Itagaki and Associate Prof. Shitanda has been ranked number one in the number of downloads in 2022 in "Electrochemistry" published by the Electrochemical Society of Japan.
Paper title:
Electrochemical Impedance and Complex Capacitance to Interpret Electrochemical Capacitor
Masayuki ITAGAKI, Satoshi SUZUKI, Isao SHITANDA, Kunihiro WATANABE
Published paper: Electrochemistry, 75(8), 649-655 (2007)
Award date: January 16, 2023 <Certificate of commendation>
2023January 17,
A commentary article written by Associate Professor Shitanda et al. was published in "Surface Technology".
Surface Technology Association "Surface Technology" Vol.01 No.74
"Development of a self-powered biosensor that can generate electricity from body fluids and its application to health monitoring"
Isao Shitanda, Seiya Tsujimura
2023January 13,
Mr. Yuro Ozone (M2) received the Encouragement Award at the 32nd Annual Meeting of MRS Japan
<Encouragement Prize Winner List>
(Added on February 3)
Introduced on university website
December 1, 2022
An interview with Associate Professor Shitanda was published in Tokyo University of Science free paper RikaRika.
Click here for RikaRika page.
November 21, 2022
An article written by Associate Professor Shitanda and postdoc Noya was published in the November issue of Monthly BIOINDUSTRY.
Monthly BIOINDUSTRY November 2022 issue CMC Publishing
Paper Substrate Biofuel Cells Using Sugar and Lactic Acid as Substrates
Isao Shitanda, Noya Loew, Seiya Tsujimura
November 15, 2022
Joint research with University of Grenoble Alpes, University of Tsukuba, and Anton Paar Japan published in Journal of Polymers and the Environment
Title: "Impact of lactic acid and genipin concentration on physicochemical and mechanical properties of chitosan membranes"
November 02, 2022
HORIZON project has started. Associate Professor Shitanda is participating.
GREen ENdeavor in Art Restoration
October 05, 2022
Ms. Nana Okamoto (M1) was awarded Young Presentation Encouragement Award at the 69th Symposium on Materials and Environment held from October 4th (Tuesday) to 6th (Thursday).
Title: Electrochemical Analysis of Hydrogen Penetration into Pure Iron Using Complex Hydrogen Permeability Function
― Effect of solution pH and accelerator addition ―
Award date October 5, 2022
September 14, 2022
The other day, Terumo Life Science Promotion Foundation "Life Science DOKIDOKI Laboratory"
2nd grade students from Chiba Prefectural Kashiwa High School visited our laboratory.
An interview with Dr. Shitanda that took place on the day of the event was published as an article.
"Junior high and high school students visit front-line researchers "Let's talk about research"
15th Generation of electricity from sweat and urine! The future opened up by wearable bio-fuel cells
September 01, 2022
From April 2023 (FY2023), the name of the Faculty of Science and Engineering will be changed to the "School of Science and Engineering".
Faculty Reorganization Site
Associate Professor Shitanda's research is introduced on each department introduction page of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.
(The name of the department remains unchanged from the Department of Advanced Chemistry.)
August 08, 2022
On Friday, July 22, I visited Kao Corporation Wakayama Research Institute, which is a joint research site.
At the research institute, Associate Professor Shitanda gave an invited lecture, and along with the postdocs and students who accompanied him, he guided us through facilities such as the Ecolab Museum.
<Photos from the day go to PHOTO GALLERY>
July 13, 2022
A paper by Associate Professor Shitanda et al. Was published in "Sensors and Materials" (early release).
"Heat-transfer-printed Glucose Biosensor for Use in Diapers"
Isao Shitanda, Rina Nogami, Noya Loew, Hikari Watanabe, and Masayuki Itagaki
In the article "Moon Surprise Technology" of " Science of Gakken " released on July 7, 2022
The research of Associate Professor Shitanda was introduced.
June 23, 2022
Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)
It was adopted in the 4th year of Reiwa " Basic Technology Development Project for Industrialization of Regenerative Medicine / Gene Therapy (Development of Advanced Drug Discovery Support Tool Technology Applying Regenerative Medicine Technology) " (Research and Development Coordinator).
The title of the task is "Development of a porous membrane device with a biosensor and its application to a biomimetic evaluation model".
June 23, 2022
Yurina Yoshida of M1 received the Young Scientist Encouragement Award for Materials and Environment 2022 held from May 25th (Wednesday) to 27th (Friday).
Award title Development of DMC concentrated electrolyte solution with excellent anticorrosion properties for Al current collectors for LIB Award date May 26, 2022
It was also introduced on the university homepage.
May 19, 2022
The research of Mr. Shiikawa, a graduate, was published in The Surface Technology Journal.
Surface technology Volume 73, No. 5 "Development of a copper corrosion diagnostic method using a sensor probe using copper as a reference electrode"
Yoshinao Hoshi, Ryo Shiikawa, Isao Shitanda, Masayuki Itagaki, Yoichi Hirata
May 18, 2022
<Update: Posting on the media (MEDIA) >
An interview article with Associate Professor Shitanda was introduced in Kodansha Blue Bucks (online version).
"Use sweat as an energy source !? Introducing a newly developed wearable biofuel cell"
May 16, 2022
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
It was adopted in 2022 " NEDO Leading Research Program / New Energy and Environmental Technology Leading Research Program / Development of Energy-Saving Manufacturing Process Technology that Escapes from Water Resources to Achieve Significant Reduction of Environmental Load ".
The theme is "Development of enzyme batteries that innovate IoT systems".
March 22, 2022
The 2021 diploma and certificate awarding ceremony was held on March 19th.
Kaiji Miyazaki, a second-year master's student, received the Master's Thesis Best Award, and Yuya Ishii received the Master's Thesis Excellence Award.
March 7, 2022
<Update: Posting on the media (MEDIA) >
An interview article with Associate Professor Yotanda was published in Rike Lab.
It was also introduced on the SNS of Tokyo University of Science.
March 4, 2022
A commentary article written by Associate Professor Shitanda and others was published in " Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers ".
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers "Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers" Vol.105 No.3
"Wearable biosensing technology using electrochemical sensors and bio fuel cells"
Isao Shitanda, Kiyoya Tsujimura
◆ Click here for PDF
February 24, 2022
<Update: Research Achievements (RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENTS) >
A book written by Associate Professor Shitanda and Postdoc Noya has been published.
" Enzyme biotechnology that supports digital health in the near future-sensors and power generation- "
CMC Publishing Publication date: February 17, 2022
February 17, 2022
The papers by Professor Itagaki and Associate Professor Yotanda have been selected as the top-ranked papers in the number of downloads of "Electrochemistry" published by the Electrochemistry Society.
Award date January 24, 2022
Click here for details
2/22 postscript It was also introduced on the Tokyo University of Science website .
December 24, 2021
The deadline for the special issue of Sensors and Materials has been extended.
It will be until March 31, 2022.
We will continue to solicit papers on biosensors, sensor materials, and biofuel cells.
November 30, 2021
Associate Professor Shitanda will be in charge of the special issue of Sensors and Materials magazine.
We are looking for papers on biosensors, sensor materials, and biofuel cells.
The deadline is December 31, 2021.
November 24, 2021
<Update: Posting on the media (MEDIA)>
The biofuel cell we are working on in our laboratory was introduced in the Mainichi Shimbun. Associate Professor Shitanda was interviewed.
The morning edition of the Mainichi Shimbun dated November 25, 2021 "Can electricity be extracted from urine and sweat? Development of batteries that apply the mechanism of living organisms"
November 19, 2021
Under the theme of " Kao Kirei Future Co-creation Project ," there was a roundtable discussion between President Hasebe of Kao Corporation and students participating in the project, and Mr. Miura, a fourth-year student from this laboratory, participated.
This pattern was introduced in the advertisement for the 140th anniversary of the founding of Tokyo University of Science, which was published in Nikkei Business.
Click here for details
■ Published paper Nikkei Business November 22 issue (issued November 19)
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
The 38th Industrial Chemistry Meeting (Department of Industrial Chemistry/Department of Advanced Chemistry Alumni Meeting) was held online via Zoom on Saturday, November 13, 2021.
Many alumni participated.
November 03, 2021
Broadcast from 7:00 on Wednesday, November 3, 2021
TBS series "Todaioh x World 4 Hours SP! "Comparing the SDGs in the world" featured the lactic acid battery in our laboratory.
Program HP:
November 01, 2021
At the 68th Materials and Environment Debate held from October 26th (Tuesday) to 28th (Thursday), 2021
Mr. Sakai of M1 won the Young Lecture Award. It was also introduced on the website of Tokyo University of Science .
Award title: Research on monitoring of water content in concrete using electrochemical impedance method
Details: Corrosion Protection Society Page
October 25, 2021
<Update: Posting on the media (MEDIA) >
An article about the biosensor developed in our laboratory was published in Bioworld.
Bioworld dated September 10, 2021
" Tokyo University of Science develops urine sugar level monitoring diaper sensor "
October 22, 2021
The biofuel cell being developed by Itagaki-Yotanda Laboratory was featured on Nippon Television Oha! 4 NEWS LIVE "Space Development Frontline 5 Someday Migration? Space Colony".
news Click here for the video
October 20, 2021
A commentary article co-authored by Professor Uchida (graduated from 2020), Professor Itagaki, and Associate Professor Shitanda was published in "Science and Engineering of Materials" Vol. 58, No. 5.
Journal of Japanese Society of Materials Science "Science and Engineering of Materials" Vol.58 No.5
"Diamond synthesis by plasma method in microwave liquid"
Yusuke Tominaga, Akihiro Uchida, Takeshi Kondo, Isao Shitanda, Makoto Yuasa, Masayuki Itagaki, Akira Fujishima, Hiroshi Uezuka, Chiaki Terashima
October 07, 2021
Nihon Keizai Shimbun publishes research results of Associate Professor Isao Shitanda and others
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun introduced a biofuel cell with a low environmental load that can generate electricity from urine sugar by Associate Professor Isao Shitanda and others. The materials used for the electrodes are inexpensive, such as paper and carbon, and have a low environmental load, so they are expected to be put into practical use for mass production.
Click here for details
■ Published newspaper "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" morning edition dated October 5, 2021
September 28, 2021
The paper by Professor Itagaki and Associate Professor Shitanda was selected as the Supplemental Cover of "ACS Sensors" magazine.
Paper title: Self-Powered Diaper Sensor with Wireless Transmitter Powered by Paper-Based Biofuel Cell with Urine Glucose as Fuel
Award date: September 24, 2021
* 10/5 postscript: This paper was one of the 10 most read papers in September 2021 in "ACSSensors".
Click here for details
September 17, 2021
Mr. Miyazaki of M2 received the Excellent Student Lecture Award at the 2021 Autumn Meeting of the Electrochemical Society.
"Development of sticker device with liquid entanglement reference electrode and application to corrosion monitoring"
<Certificate of commendation>
September 16, 2021
<Update: Posting on the media (MEDIA) >
The research of Associate Professor Shitanda was introduced in the Yomiuri Shimbun Online . (Full-text articles are for members only.)
September 10, 2021
ALUMNI ( Alumni / Career) has been updated. ABOUT US (laboratory introduction) has been updated. A press release has been added to Research Achievements .
September 01, 2021
The homepage was renewed.
August 30, 2021
【press release】
"Successful development of self-powered biofuel cell that stably outputs from urine sugar"
The research results of Associate Professor Isao Shitanda and others have been press-released.
Please refer to this page for details.
Release date August 23, 2021 "Successful development of self-powered biofuel cell that stably outputs from urine sugar-Expected to prevent diabetes and reduce the burden of nursing care as urine sugar sensing technology-"
This achievement was dated July 15, 2021. It was published online in the international academic journal "ACS Sensors" .
May 17, 2021
The papers for 2020-2021 have been published in Research Achievements .
May 12, 2021
The member list for 2021 has been updated. Please see the Member page.
April 14, 2021
As of April 1, 2021, Associate Professor Isao Shitanda will be the principal investigator.
The Tokyo University of Science co-creation project "Kao Kirei Future Co-creation Project" has been established.
We will carry out joint research with Kao Corporation.
April 14, 2021
【press release】
The research results of Associate Professor Isao Shitanda and others have been press-released.
Release date February 17, 2021 "Development of biosensor for continuous measurement of lactic acid in sweat using mesoporous enzyme electrode and microfluidic device-Expected to be developed as a wearable device for health management and training optimization-"
This result was published in Fuji Sankei Business Eye magazine on March 26, 2021.
April 14, 2021
【press release】
"Development of a thin-film wearable biofuel cell array that produces high output from lactic acid in sweat"
The research results of Associate Professor Shitanda and others have been press-released.
Release date March 15, 2021 "Development of a thin-film wearable biofuel cell array that produces high output from lactic acid in sweat-can be used as a self-powered wearable lactic acid sensing device!"
For details, please see our press release .
March 23, 2021
The paper by Professor Itagaki, Associate Professor Yontanda, and M1 Miyazaki was selected as the Outside Back Cover of "Chemical Communications" published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Paper title: A screen-printed three-electrode-type sticker device with an accurate liquid junction-type reference electrode
March 17, 2021
Kanaho Inohira and Masaya Tsunamoto, who are in the second year of the master's course, received the Master's Thesis Excellence Award.
March 16, 2021
Professor Masayuki Itagaki was awarded the title of "Fellow" by the Electrochemical Society.
<Award title>
Significant achievements in the field of electrochemistry and significant contribution to the development of the Electrochemical Society
<Award date>
February 22, 2021
Page about Fellow of the Electrochemical Society
February 12, 2021
The papers of Professor Itagaki and Associate Professor Shitanda have been selected as the top-ranked papers and consecutively cited papers in "Electrochemistry" published by the Electrochemistry Society.
Paper title: Electrochemical Impedance and Complex Capacitance to Interpret Electrochemical Capacitor
Winners: Professor Masayuki Itagaki, Associate Professor Isao Shitanda
Award date: February 4, 2021
It was selected as the "8th place" in the top papers cited in 2020.
February 03, 2021
The papers of Professor Itagaki and Associate Professor Shitanda were selected as the top-ranked papers in the number of downloads of "Electrochemistry" published by the Electrochemistry Society.
Paper title: Electrochemical Impedance and Complex Capacitance to Interpret Electrochemical Capacitor
Winners: Professor Masayuki Itagaki, Associate Professor Isao Shitanda Award Date: January 23, 2021
The award was given for the 3rd place in the number of downloads in March / April 2020 and the 2nd place in the annual number of downloads in 2020.
Paper title: Durability Analysis of the REIMEI Satellite Li-ion Batteries after more than 14 Years of Operation in Space
Awardee: Professor Masayuki Itagaki Award Date: January 23, 2021
Awarded for the second highest number of downloads in September and October 2020.
October 16, 2020
It was published in the November 2020 issue of Nikkei Science.
"Small biosensors that monitor physical condition Make society healthy and prosperous through original research"
April 01, 2020
The papers for 2019-2020 have been published in Research Achievements.
April 01, 2020
The member list for 2020 has been updated.
Lecturer Shitanda was promoted to Associate Professor on April 1, 2020.
As of April 1, 2020, Lecturer Hoshi has been appointed as an associate professor at Nagoya Institute of Technology.
Dr. Watanabe was appointed as an assistant professor on April 1, 2020.
As of January 1, 2020, Noya Loew has been appointed as a postdoctoral fellow.
November 22, 2019
October 01, 2019
Mr. Furukawa of M2 won the Excellent Lecture Award at the 2019 Electrochemical Autumn Meeting.
Winner: Takayuki Furukawa, 2nd year master's student, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Instructor: Professor, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering Masayuki Itagaki Lecturer, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering Isao Shitanda Lecturer, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering Yoshinao Hoshi
Award title: Analysis of current ray distribution on non-uniform metal surface using complex potential distribution function
Awards: As a result of the examination at the 2019 Electrochemical Autumn Meeting, as an extremely excellent lecture
The Excellent Student Lecture Award was awarded.
Award Date: September 24, 2019
September 25, 2019
HP's Photo gallery and Research Achievements have been significantly updated.
September 24, 2019
We presented the deliverables to the media of each country on the Foreign Press Tour.
"Ultimate energy saving" Wearable device using bio-fuel cell-To prevent heat stroke and reduce the burden on nursing care sites-
Lecturer Isao Shitanda of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science is working on the development of self-driving wearable devices. Powered by a biofuel cell that generates electricity from lactic acid and glucose contained in sweat and urine, a small thin device (sensor) measures the lactic acid and glucose levels in body fluids in real time and transmits the results wirelessly. This device has the role of both a power supply and a sensor, and its practical application can be expected to be used in various situations of life such as nursing care sites as well as measures against heat stroke such as athletes and workers working at construction sites. ..
July 18, 2019
M2 Furukawa received the Poster Award for The Most Innovative Experimental Setup at the 11th International Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy.
Winner: Takayuki Furukawa, 2nd year master's student, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Instructor: Professor, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering Masayuki Itagaki Lecturer, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering Isao Shitanda Lecturer, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering Yoshinao Hoshi
Awards: Development of Complex Potential Distribution Ratio as a New Transfer Function and Its Application to Localized Corrosion
Awards: This conference is a historic international conference that started in France in 1989 for the purpose of professional discussion on electrochemical impedance method. It has been held every three years since then, and this is the 11th time. Participants were researchers from all over the world, including Europe, North America, South America, Asia, and Africa, and enthusiastic discussions took place for about a week. This award is for "development of an innovative measurement method based on the theory of electrochemical impedance method", and only one of the poster presentations of 40 world-class researchers in 23 countries was judged. The Poster Award was awarded as an extremely excellent presentation.
Award Date: June 6, 2019
11th International Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (ISE Sponsored Scientific Meeting)
May 29, 2019
Professor Itagaki received the Academic Achievement Award at the Society for Corrosion Protection, and Furukawa-kun and Ryomoto-kun received the Young Lecture Encouragement Award.
March 19, 2019
Mr. Fujii and Mr. Morigayama of M2 received the Master's Thesis Excellence Award.
March 11, 2019
4-year course students have been assigned (member list has been updated)
November 29, 2018
Mr. Toda and Mr. Kato received the 8th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2018 Excellent Poster Presentation Award.
We received the Excellent Poster Presentation Award at the 8th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2018 held from October 23rd (Tuesday) to 25th (Thursday).
In the "student poster presentation", 1) the presenter has contributed sufficiently to the research, 2) the question and answer session is excellent, and 3) the uniqueness is recognized and future development can be expected. Judging from two perspectives, six graduate students of this department received the Excellent Poster Presentation Award from a total of 1032 presentations.
Winner: Takanao Kato, 1st year master's student, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Professor Masayuki Itagaki, Lecturer Isao Shitanda, Lecturer Yoshinao Hoshi
Award title: Development of a new enzyme immobilization method on a porous carbon electrode to improve the operational stability of biofuel cells
Winner: Tatsuya Toda, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Professor Masayuki Itagaki, Lecturer Isao Shitanda, Lecturer Yoshinao Hoshi
Award title: Improved operational stability of biofuel cell anodes by modifying and immobilizing Azure A on porous carbon electrodes
November 29, 2018
Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun publishes research results of lecturer Isao Shitanda and others
The Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun introduced a thin sensor developed by Dr. Isao Shitanda and others to detect risks such as heat stroke from sweat.
The article introduces a thin sensor that detects the risk of heat stroke from the salt concentration in sweat.
This sensor is made by printing a special ink that reacts with salt on the surface of the substrate by overlaying it on the substrate, and it is possible to visually grasp the state of salt by graphing it.
In the future, it is stated that they are developing technology that can detect ammonia other than salt.
Please see the publication for details.
■ Published paper "Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun" dated October 15, 2018
Itagaki / Shitanda Laboratory Page:
Lecturer Shitanda's page:
October 05, 2018
Mr. Goto of M1 won the poster award at 69th International Society of ISE.
Winner: Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Department of Advanced Chemistry, 1st year Master's course, Himeka Goto
Instructor: Professor, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering Masayuki Itagaki Lecturer, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering Isao Shitanda Lecturer, Department of Advanced Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering Yoshinao Hoshi
Awards: The poster presentation at The 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry held in Bologna was judged to be particularly excellent.
Awards: Improvement of performance of screen-printed paper-based lactate biofuel cell by rheological study of MgO-templated porous carbon inks
Award date: September 6, 2018
The 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry page:
Itagaki / Shitanda Laboratory Page Professor Itagaki's Page:
Lecturer Shitanda's page:
Hoshi lecturer's page:
Laboratory page:
October 05, 2018
At the 28th MRSJ, a symposium will be held in which Lecturer Shitanda serves as the representative organizer.
September 13, 2018
We interacted with Dr. Zebda group and Prof. Serge Cosnier group at the University of Grenoble Alps.
August 30, 2018
At Innovation Japan 2018, we exhibited a wearable sensor by Dr. Shitanda.
July 25, 2018
At Sportec 2018, we exhibited the results of JST-ASTEP by Dr. Shitanda.
This event is also covered in the following articles.
We exhibited various items such as wearable lactic acid sensors, lactic acid batteries, and ion sensors.
February 21, 2018
Two commentary articles and one paper were published in Vol. 67, No. 2 of Materials and the Environment.
Basics of Electrochemical Measurement of Corrosion-Electrochemical Impedance-Yoshinao Hoshi, Masayuki Itagaki
Basics of Electrochemical Measurement of Corrosion-Convection Voltammetry CFDE, RRDE-Masayuki Itagaki
Research on Reinforcing Bar Corrosion of Concrete Structures in Service Using Electrochemical Impedance Method Hiroyuki Tokieda, Ki Okamoto, Yoshinao Hoshi, Isao Shitanda, Masayuki Itagaki
October 2, 2017
A 3rd year student in the 6-year course has been assigned (Member page has been updated)
July 12, 2017
Mr. Yamada and Mr. Shinoda received the Young Presenter Encouragement Award at the 2017 Spring Conference on Materials and Environment of the Society of Corrosion Prevention.
June 1, 2017
Lecturer Shitanda's application was accepted for Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Fundamental Research B) (Principal Investigator)
May 30, 2017
The homepage has been renewed.