Lecture information
5/25 (Thu)
Associate Professor Shitanda gave a keynote speech at the 60th Japan Heat Transfer Symposium
3/11 (Sat)
Associate Professor Shitanda gave a keynote speech at the remote industrial hygiene study group
Conference presentation
March 14th (Thursday) - March 16th (Saturday)
Presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Electrochemical Society @ Nagoya University
11/14 (Tue) - 16 (Thu)
We will participate in MRSJ2023 (Representative organizer: Associate Professor Shitanda)
Presented at the 2023 Electrochemistry Fall Conference to be held at Kyushu University
Information on the event
We will exhibit at nano tech 2024
(January 31st to February 2nd)
The 13th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2023 will be held (October 17-19)
Professor Itagaki, Associate Professor Shitanda, Assistant Professor Watanabe and others received the Best Paper Award from the Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering.
M2 student Takahashi and M1 student Kashiwa won the Young Researchers Presentation Encouragement Award at Materials and Environment 2024.
An article about the Water Frontier Research Center (WaTUS), which Associate Professor Shitanda collaborated on, was published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun's "Challenge of Knowledge" section.
A collaborative paper with Katayama Laboratory has been published in Electrochimica Acta.
M1 student Hiraoka won the Academic Lecture Award at the 149th Lecture Conference (Kogakuin University).
A web article that Associate Professor Shitanda assisted in reporting has been published.
M1 student Samori received the Encouragement Award at the 33rd Japan MRS Annual Conference.
Selected as one of the most downloaded papers of the year in "Electrochemistry" magazine
A book co-authored by Associate Professor Shitanda has been published.
Our research with the Katayama laboratory, which we are collaborating with, was awarded (9/22)
Assistant Professor Watanabe received the Encouragement Award at the 2023 Solution Chemistry Research Group
Visiting professor Katayama-sensei appeared on E-Tele “Villain no Saiban” (10/14)
Academic paper by Associate Professor Isao Shitanda selected as Supplemental Cover of ACS Sensors / Selected as ACS Sensors top 10 most read
Academic paper by Associate Professor Isao Shitanda selected as Supplemental Cover of ACS Sensors / Selected as ACS Sensors top 10 most read
Prof. Itagaki received the 41st Suga Weathering Foundation Prize for Science and Technology.
From 2023, the name of the Faculty of Science and Engineering will be changed to ``Souken Science and Engineering Faculty''.